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  • Isabelle36
真實姓名 Isabelle
所在地 Eskifjor?Ur
所在時區 (GMT) 格林威治時間、倫敦、都柏林、里斯本、卡薩布蘭卡、蒙羅維亞
職業 Medical technician
興趣愛好 Bboying, Jewelry making
個人介紹 Nice to you, I am Tatiana Tanaka but may call me anything you like.
Bookkeeping is how she makes cash but her promotion never comes.
To climb is what our family and I really like. For years she has been living in Arizona.
If you want to locate more che
註冊日期 10月14日 05:23
頭銜等級 新會員
最後登入時間 10月19日 06:47
個性簽名 Here is my page balanced diet